Cohabitation Agreements

When you are living together without being married, the law does not provide for you. In this case, all your possessions and debts are then of each partner separately. In a cohabitation agreement, you can arrange which assets are yours together and what will happen with, for example, your home, and your pension if the relationship ends.

A cohabitation agreement is only legally valid if it has been drawn up by a civil-law notary. In general, you can decide for yourself what you want to be covered in the cohabitation agreement. For example, it may be desired that both parties contribute half of the costs of the household, or that parties contribute in proportion to income. Moreover, you may make arrangements about the common assets. If this is not covered, the heirs of your deceased partner (in the absence of a last will) are entitled to his/her belongings.

In a cohabitation agreement, you may not include arrangements in regard to your heirs. This must be done in a last will and testament.

If you have any further questions about your personal situation, please contact us to make an appointment.


Kaya Gresia 13
Kralendijk, Bonaire
Caribbean Netherlands

Phone:   +(599) 717 8540
Fax:   +(599) 717 8054
Monday through Friday
07:45–12:30  2:00–5:00